3 November 2018 : Announcement

  • Sunday School : On Sunday, November 11th there will be 1stCommunion and Sunday school classes.  Please see Bronagh and Yolanda with any questions!
  • Hymnal Campaign  : Our music hymnals have dwindled over the years. We are in the process of replacing them with 100 paperback music hymnals for the congregation and 3 hard-covered music books (with musical accompaniment) for the choir and organist (https://www.decanimusic.co.uk/product/laudate-pew-edition-revised/).  We are asking for donations from the congregation to help fund these books. Please see Fiona or Elena after mass if you are able to contribute or donate with a credit card or Paypal using this link: https://gogetfunding.com/catholic-mass-barcelona-campaign-for-new-music-hymnals/.

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