A Better Me: The Liturgical Season of Advent

   Isn’t God good?  How good God is and how much He loves each one of us!  He allows for each of us a certain number of years on this earth. It can seem to be a long time but it is nothing in its relation to eternity.  And yet, this time on earth is extremely important since it is the period of our beginnings, of our becoming full and faithful children of God, of our being tested, of our struggling to discern and to do God the Father’s will, of our being sinners and often needing to return to God through acts of contrition (sorrow of love) and through the Sacrament of Penance (Confession).

 God gives us grace which is a participation in God’s very “life”-the divine life of the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity.  On this earth God wants, and helps, us to identify ourselves with Jesus Christ and to become more and more like Him.  In the meantime, through Baptism, we live in Christ and the Holy Spirit works in us to bring about a profound union with Christ so that Jesus can, through his Mystical Body, give praise, glory and Love to God the Father.

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Mass in August

We will be celebrating mass in August at 10:30h, as allowed per the Catalan Government.
Please see our Facebook page for readings and more information.

To protect the Church, our Priest and the congregation we need to follow a set of guidelines:

1. Wear Masks when entering the Church and throughout the Mass.
2. Wearing gloves is also recommended.
3. Please only attend if you remain healthy (no fever, persistent coughing or other known symptoms of COVID-19)
4. Maintain Social Distancing throughout the Massa. One Family or two individuals per pew. For individuals they should sit 2 meters (or 6 feet) apart)b. Keep 2 pews distance between families/individuals
5. Communiona. During Communion, please maintain 2 Meters/6 Feet between people. Only remove your mask at the time of consuming the host during Communion.b. Communion will be offered by hand only and not directly to the mouth.c. For Parishioners who do not receive Communion, a blessing will be offered by prayer rather than by physical touch.
6. Other Key Areas
a. Collection: Baskets should not be passed from person to person. We will offer collection points (e.g. boxes) suitable for the faithful to drop in their offerings.
b. Holy Water and Baptismal fonts remain empty.
c. Any Greetings, Sign of Peace should be conducted with a wave, smile, or head nod.d. At this time, we will not have Coffee sharing after mass.God Bless,Father John and Michelle

Mass will resume on Sunday the 24th of May

Catholic Mass in English (CME) will resume service on 24 May at 10,30am. We are excited to welcome everyone back after our long break due to COVID19.  To protect the Church, our Priest and the congregation we need to follow a set of guidelines:

1. Wear Masks when entering the Church and throughout the Mass.

2. Wearing gloves is also recommended.

3. Please only attend if you remain healthy (no fever, persistent coughing or other known symptoms of COVID-19)

4. Maintain Social Distancing throughout the Mass

a. One Family or two individuals per pew.  For individuals they should sit 2 meters (or 6 feet) apart)

b. Keep 2 pews distance between families/individuals

5. Communion

a. During Communion, please maintain 2 Meters/6 Feet between people.  Only remove your mask at the time of consuming the host during Communion.

b. Communion will be offered by hand only and not directly to the mouth.

c. For Parishioners who do not receive Communion, a blessing will be offered by prayer rather than by physical touch.

6. Other Key Areas

a. Collection: Baskets should not be passed from person to person. We will offer collection points (e.g. boxes) suitable for the faithful to drop in their offerings.

b. Holy Water and Baptismal fonts remain empty.

c. Any Greetings, Sign of Peace should be conducted with a wave, smile, or head nod.

d. At this time, we will not have Coffee sharing after mass.